Cadence in training: what it is and how to put it into practice

The cadence in training is gaining increasing importance for those seeking hypertrophy and muscle toning.

Currently, bodybuilders have stopped worrying only about the amount of weight, and have started to observe how the exercise is performed.

In general, the cadence in weight training is related to the amplitude of movement, the pause between sets and the speed with which the eccentric and concentric phases are carried out.

This type of observation is essential for the development of muscle mass, as it directly influences training, promoting hypertrophy and better resistance.

Are you interested in knowing a little more about the cadence in training and how you can use this benefit in a variety of ways?

So, read on and check it out!

What does cadence consist of in training?

As we said, the cadence in performing the exercise has to do with the time the athlete performs the negative phase of the movement.

Explaining better, the practitioner of the activity raises the weight or removes it from rest.

When making the opposite movement, it is done slowly, concentrating time better.

For example:

In the squat, where the cadence is 5010, you will spend five seconds on the descent (eccentric phase) and one second on the climb (concentric phase), with no interval between them.

This variation directly affects the tension and training volume.

This is a workout that enhances hypertrophy and increased power — and even weight loss, depending on the goal.

It is important to note that the cadence must be varied so that the muscles do not get used and stop developing.

Let’s look at some ways to do that, below.

How to vary the cadence in training?

Take breaks between repetitions

The repetitions can be performed with the cadence style in continuous training or with a pause between them.

In most cases, continuous repetitions are less effective than those made with pauses. In them, muscle failure may be less, but the actual stimulation will be optimized.

In the beginning, you can count three seconds between the phases of the movements. Seek their fulfillment smoothly, without giving so-called jerks or impulses.

Try not to count the time between repetitions, don’t get lost with the count. The ideal is to have the help of a personal to help you at that moment.

Change speed during the series

Another key point for those looking to increase lean mass is to change the cadence speed within the same series.

This stimulates muscle activation and increases tension, promoting a greater potential for microlesions responsible for hypertrophy.

When you are at the end of your series and notice that you are approaching failure, increase the speed of execution and decrease the cadence.

Thus, the stimulus will be greater. However, be careful not to get injured!

Alternate the cadence in your workouts

Another key point, which relates the cadence in training to achieving the goals, is always to alternate it so that the body does not get used to it.

When the professional guides you to make a higher cadence in the eccentric phase, ask to change this time when the muscles get used.

It will explain a way to further decrease the speed or increase it. That way, you can be sure that your goals will be achieved in a short time.

The cadence in training is fundamental for the bodybuilder. It enhances results and accelerates the development of muscles.

Find a gym with structure and trained professionals to guide your development. It is important for you to be able to keep improving your results.

In this way, you will learn to cadence your workouts according to the goals you want to achieve. After all, reaching the results without risk of injury, mainly avoids the waste of time.



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